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CompatInfo 3.0.0RC2 preview

Even if all extension/references are not yet migrated to new format (currently 70%), I planned to publish the second and last release candidate on Monday 14 April 2014.

With this command
$ php phpcompatinfo.phar reference:list
You will have a reference list current status
 References Version  Loaded
 amqp       1.3.0    1.4.0beta1
 apc        3.1.13   4.0.4
 apcu       4.0.4    4.0.4
 bcmath     5.5.11   5.5.11
 bz2        5.5.11   5.5.11
 calendar   5.5.11   5.5.11
 Core       5.5.11   5.5.11
 ctype      5.5.11   5.5.11
 curl       5.5.11   5.5.11
 date       5.5.11   5.5.11
 dom        20031129 5.5.11
 enchant    1.1.0    1.1.0
 ereg       5.5.11   5.5.11
 exif       5.5.11   1.4 $Id$
 fileinfo   5.5.11   1.0.5
 filter     0.11.0   0.11.0
 ftp        5.5.11   5.5.11
 gd         5.5.11   5.5.11
 gender     1.0.0    1.0.0
 geoip      1.0.8    1.0.8
 gettext    5.5.11   5.5.11
 gmp        5.5.11
 haru       5.5.11   1.0.4
 hash       5.5.11   1.0
 htscanner  1.0.1    1.0.1
 http       2.0.5    1.7.6
 iconv      5.5.11   5.5.11
 igbinary   1.1.1    1.1.1
 imagick    3.1.2    3.1.2
 imap       5.5.11   5.5.11
 inclued    0.1.3
 intl       5.5.11   1.1.0
 jsmin      0.1.1    0.1.1
 json       1.2.1    1.2.1
 ldap       5.5.11   5.5.11
 libevent   0.1.0    0.0.4
 libxml     5.5.11   5.5.11
 lzf        1.6.2    1.6.2
 mailparse  2.1.6    2.1.6
 mbstring   5.5.11   5.5.11
 mcrypt     5.5.11   5.5.11
 memcache   3.0.8    3.0.8
 mhash      5.5.11   5.5.11
 mongo      1.5.1    1.5.1
 odbc       5.5.11   1.0
 pcre       5.5.11   5.5.11
 pdflib     3.0.4
 PDO        1.0.4dev 1.0.4dev
 phar       2.0.1    2.0.2
 pthreads   2.0.4    2.0.4
 Reflection 5.5.11   5.5.11
 riak       1.1.4
 session    5.5.11   5.5.11
 SimpleXML  0.1      0.1
 sockets    5.5.11   5.5.11
 solr       1.0.2    1.0.1
 spl        0.2      0.2
 sqlite3    0.7-dev
 sqlite     2.0-dev
 standard   5.5.11   5.5.11
 tokenizer  0.1      0.1
 varnish    1.1.1
 wddx       5.5.11   5.5.11
 XCache     3.1.0
 xdebug     2.2.4    2.2.4
 xml        5.5.11   5.5.11
 xmlreader  0.1      0.1
 xmlwriter  0.1      0.1
 zip        1.12.4   1.11.0
 zlib       2.0      2.0
 Total [70]

The final stable version is planned for Wed, 30 April 2014.

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-04-11