CompatInfo 3.2.0 is not planned to be release soon.

When I’ve begun to release the new major version 3.x, I hoped to follow PHP 5 releases as I did in past with versions 2.x

With lack of feedback during Release Candidates phases (more than 2 months), I’ve let passed a major regression since latest version 2.26

Even, if I’ve found origine of issue, I’ll take my time now to prepare a new STABLE version with a full documentation (user and developer).

Until it come, there won’t be new versions published.

Only news will be published on this blog during transition from 3.1 to 3.2 and on the github project page.

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-05-26

CompatInfo 3.1.0 has just been released.

  • Support new stable PHP versions 5.5.12 and 5.4.28

  • Support PHP 5.6.0beta2

  • Exposes package binary to vendor directory

What is planned for the next stable version:
  • Improve the documentation.

  • Fixes all remaining issues (that could be detected: need user feedback)

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-05-02

CompatInfo 3.0.0 has just been released.

Support all 100 extensions as in version 2.26.0, with updates.

Changes since RC2:

  • 30 more extensions were migrated from format 2.x to 3.x

  • fixed PHP warning with reference:list command

  • fixed conflict between Reflect and CompatInfo analyser:run command

In waiting full documentation (that should be available before end of this month), here are some commands explained:

if you use the CLI version of CompatInfo, from PHAR or source code, you should add a compatinfo.json configuration file in the root of your project. Here is an example, with some source-providers declared (accept all Symfony Finder criteria), default plugins required, and some analysers (known as --report in CompatInfo 2.x)
UPDATE Since this commit, we have normalized names and old compatinfo.json was renamed to phpcompatinfo.json.
Example 1: Summary analyser (always available, and display as default report, if none provided)
$ compatinfo analyser:run --alias Reflect1
Example 2: Extension analyser (with benchmark active if PHP_Timer installed)
$ compatinfo --profile analyser:run --alias CompatInfo2 extension
if you forget what analysers are available, uses the analyser:list command.
Example 3: List all References that may be detected by CompatInfo 3.0
$ compatinfo reference:list
Example 4: Inspect full SPL Reference contents (that may be filtered by component; see reference:show options)
$ compatinfo reference:show spl
Example 5: Inspect Reference contents filtered by PHP version (all elements in Core since PHP 5.3)
$ compatinfo reference:show --php=">= 5.3.0" core
Example 6: List all Plugins configured for your CompatInfo version.
$ compatinfo plugin:list
Example 7: List all data sources configured, that may be analysed by CompatInfo.
$ compatinfo provider:list
Example 8: Show file list in a specific data source.
$ compatinfo provider:show --alias phing27
What is planned for the next stable version:
  • Support new stable PHP versions 5.5.12 and 5.4.28

  • Improve the documentation.

  • Fixes all remaining issues (that could be detected: need user feedback)

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-05-01