Analyser:run command with a structure report
Future release 2.0.0RC3 will adopt a new command
Current version 2.0.0RC2 is a bit useless in CLI mode. I’ve decided to include in next Release Candidate (commit f99c2bf) a new command analyser:run that will display a structure report equivalent to Sebastian Bergmann phploc solution.
With a such
config file:{ "source-providers": [ { "in": "phar:///var/dist/PHP_Reflect-1.0.0.tar as Reflect1", "path": "PHP/", "name": "*.php" } "plugins": [ { "name": "Analyser", "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Plugin\\Analyser\\AnalyserPlugin" } ], "analysers" : [ { "name": "Structure", "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Analyser\\StructureAnalyser" } ] }Run the command below:
$ php bin/reflect --profile --analyser:run --alias Reflect1You will get such output.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-21Data Source Analysed Directories 2 Files 3 Structure Namespaces 1 Interfaces 0 Traits 0 Classes 158 Abstract Classes 4 (2.53%) Concrete Classes 154 (97.47%) Methods 37 Scope Non-Static Methods 37 (100.00%) Static Methods 0 (0.00%) Visibility Public Method 34 (91.89%) Protected Method 3 (8.11%) Private Method 0 (0.00%) Functions 1 Named Functions 1 (100.00%) Anonymous Functions 0 (0.00%) Constants 70 Global Constants 70 (100.00%) Class Constants 0 (0.00%) Time: 4.05 seconds, Memory: 15.00Mb