Enhance the plantUML plugin.

I’ve just committed (6dd4933) an improvement in the plantUML plugin. Class diagram display now class constants.

Run the command below
$ php bin/reflect --profile --plantUML:run --alias SFinder --class="Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder"
Requires that your reflect.json configuration file declare the source Symfony/Finder.

You will get such output.

set namespaceSeparator none

namespace Symfony.Component.Finder {
class Finder{
interface IteratorAggregate
IteratorAggregate <|.. Finder
interface Countable
Countable <|.. Finder

Put in in a file , e.g classDiagram.plantuml, and send the result to plantUML

$ java -jar plantuml.jar classDiagram.plantuml

That should give something like :

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-04-10

Reflect 2.0.0 has just been released.

After three releases candidate, here is the final stable version.

Features summary :

  • Implement Event Driven Architecture powered by the Symfony EventDispatcher component.

  • More data source can be parse than API 1.0. Implement a new source provider powered by the Symfony Finder component.

  • Each element found during parsing can be exploited by an API almost equivalent to PHP5 Reflection.

  • A plugin architecture to extend features as you want without to modify core code.

  • Three plugins are bundled with stable version : Analyser, PlantUML (and Cache).

What is planned for the next version 2.1.0:
  • Implement the third cache plugin to speed up later uses.

Alternatively, you may use Composer and install it via Packagist.

Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-04-04