Analysers implements the Visitor pattern in a simple and effective way to make the render of your results truly customizable.

Each Analyser class must implement interface Bartlett\Reflect\Visitor\VisitorInterface.


namespace Bartlett\Reflect\Visitor;

use Bartlett\Reflect\Model\Visitable;

interface VisitorInterface
    public function visit(Visitable $visitable);

Each element that need to be explored by your analyser should have a visit method accordingly.

  • For packages, we need to implement a visitPackageModel method.

  • For classes, we need to implement a visitClassModel method.

  • For methods, we need to implement a visitMethodModel method.

  • For functions, we need to implement a visitFunctionModel method.

  • For constants, we need to implement a visitConstantModel method.

  • For includes, we need to implement a visitIncludeModel method.

  • For dependencies, we need to implement a visitDependencyModel method.

Abstract class Bartlett\Reflect\Visitor\AbstractVisitor ( source code ), that implement interface Bartlett\Reflect\Visitor\VisitorInterface, holds a basic visitor.

use Bartlett\Reflect\Visitor\AbstractVisitor;

class Analyser extends AbstractVisitor
    public function visitPackageModel($package)

    public function visitClassModel($class)

    public function visitMethodModel($method)

    public function visitFunctionModel($function)

    public function visitConstantModel($constant)

    public function visitIncludeModel($include)

    public function visitDependencyModel($dependency)

An abstract class Bartlett\Reflect\Analyser\AbstractAnalyser ( source code ) that implement all required interfaces may be used to initialize common data in a simple way.

Your analyser became as simple like that:


use Bartlett\Reflect\Analyser\AbstractAnalyser;

class Analyser extends AbstractAnalyser

Once you have used visit methods to explore parsing results, you will need to return formatted data ready to be print.

To do so, you should implement the toArray method of Bartlett\Reflect\Analyser\AnalyserInterface.

Implementation should follow only one rule. Return an array with :

  • free data identifier as key.

  • data contents are an array with a string format compatible vsprintf as first element, and the value as second element.

Example 1. Console lines information (without data)

    $lines['dataSourceAnalysed'] = array(
        '<info>Data Source Analysed</info>%s',

    $lines['methodsScope'] = array(
        '    Scope',
Example 2. Console line information with only one value

    $lines['methods'] = array(
        '  Methods                                   %10d',
Example 3. Console line information with more than one value

    $lines['nonStaticMethods'] = array(
        '      Non-Static Methods                    %10d (%.2f%%)',
            $count['methods'] > 0 ? ($count['nonStaticMethods'] / $count['methods']) * 100 : 0,
See source code of Structure Analyser as example.