Class Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about a class
__construct - Constructs a ReflectionClass
__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionClass object
export - Exports a class
getConstant - Gets defined constant
getConstants - Gets constants
getConstructor - Gets the constructor of the class
getDefaultProperties - Gets default properties
getDocComment - Gets doc comments
getEndLine - Gets end line
getExtension - Gets a ReflectionExtension object for the extension which defined the class
getExtensionName - Gets the name of the extension which defined the class
getFileName - Gets the filename of the file in which the class has been defined
getInterfaceNames - Gets the interface names
getInterfaces - Gets the interfaces
getMethod - Gets a ReflectionMethod for a class method
getMethods - Gets an array of methods
getModifiers - Gets modifiers
getName - Gets class name
getNamespaceName - Gets namespace name
getParentClass - Gets parent class
getProperties - Gets properties
getProperty - Gets a ReflectionProperty for a class’s property
getShortName - Gets short name
getStartLine - Gets starting line number
getStaticProperties - Gets static properties
getStaticPropertyValue - Gets static property value
getTraitAliases - Returns an array of trait aliases
getTraitNames - Returns an array of names of traits used by this class
getTraits - Returns an array of traits used by this class
hasConstant - Checks if constant is defined
hasMethod - Checks if method is defined
hasProperty - Checks if property is defined
implementsInterface - Implements interface
inNamespace - Checks if class in namespace
isAbstract - Checks if class is abstract
isCloneable - Returns whether this class is cloneable
isFinal - Checks if class is final
isInstance - Checks class for instance
isInstantiable - Checks if the class is instantiable
isInterface - Checks if the class is an interface
isInternal - Checks if class is defined internally by an extension, or the core
isIterateable - Checks if iterateable
isSubclassOf - Checks if a subclass
isTrait - Returns whether this is a trait
isUserDefined - Checks if user defined
newInstance - Creates a new class instance from given arguments
newInstanceArgs - Creates a new class instance from given arguments
newInstanceWithoutConstructor - Creates a new class instance without invoking the constructor
setStaticPropertyValue - Sets static property value

Constant Reflection

Does not exist in PHP5 Reflection API
PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about a constant
__construct - Constructs a Reflection Constant
__toString - Returns the string representation of the Reflection Constant object
getDocComment - Gets doc comments
getExtension - Gets a ReflectionExtension object for the extension which defined the constant
getExtensionName - Gets the name of the extension which defined the constant
getFileName - Gets the filename of the file in which the constant has been defined
getName - Gets constant name
getNamespaceName - Gets namespace name
getShortName - Gets short name
getValue - Gets value
inNamespace - Checks if in namespace
isInternal - Checks if constant is defined internally by an extension, or the core
isMagic - Checks whether it’s a magic constant

Function Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about a function
__construct - Constructs a ReflectionFunction
__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionFunction object
export - Exports a function
getClosure - Returns a dynamically created closure for the function
invoke - Invokes function
invokeArgs - Invokes function with args
isDisabled - Checks if function is disabled

Function Abstract Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
A parent class to ReflectionFunction
__clone - Clones function
getClosureScopeClass - Returns the scope associated to the closure
getClosureThis - Returns this pointer bound to closure
getDocComment - Gets doc comments
getEndLine - Gets end line
getExtension - Gets a ReflectionExtension object for the extension which defined the function
getExtensionName - Gets the name of the extension which defined the function
getFileName - Gets the filename of the file in which the function has been defined
getName - Gets function name
getNamespaceName - Gets namespace name
getNumberOfParameters - Gets number of parameters
getNumberOfRequiredParameters - Gets number of required parameters
getParameters - Gets parameters
getShortName - Gets function short name
getStartLine - Gets starting line number
getStaticVariables - Gets static variables
inNamespace - Checks if function in namespace
isClosure - Checks if closure
isDeprecated - Checks if function deprecated
isGenerator - Returns whether this function is a generator
isInternal - Checks if function is defined internally by an extension, or the core
isUserDefined - Checks if user defined
returnsReference - Checks if returns reference

Method Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about a method
__construct - Constructs a ReflectionMethod
__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionMethod object
export - Exports a method
getClosure - Returns a dynamically created closure for the method
getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class for the reflected method
getModifiers - Gets the method modifiers
getPrototype - Gets the method prototype
invoke - Invokes method
invokeArgs - Invokes method with args
isAbstract - Checks if method is abstract
isConstructor - Checks if method is a constructor
isDestructor - Checks if method is a destructor
isFinal - Checks if method is final
isPrivate - Checks if method is private
isProtected - Checks if method is protected
isPublic - Checks if method is public
isStatic - Checks if method is static
setAccessible - Set method accessibility

Parameter Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about a parameter
__construct - Constructs a ReflectionParameter
__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionParameter object
__clone - Clones parameter
allowsNull - Checks if null is allowed
canBePassedByValue - Returns whether this parameter can be passed by value
export - Exports a parameter
getClass - Gets class
getTypeHint - Gets the type of the parameter (callable, array, class name, or none)
getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class for the reflected parameter
getDeclaringFunction - Gets declaring function for the reflected parameter
getDefaultValue - Gets default parameter value
getDefaultValueConstantName - Returns the default value’s constant name if default value is constant or null
getName - Gets parameter name
getPosition - Gets parameter position
isArray - Checks if parameter expects an array
isCallable - Returns whether parameter MUST be callable
isDefaultValueAvailable - Checks if a default value is available
isDefaultValueConstant - Returns whether the default value of this parameter is constant
isOptional - Checks if the parameter is optional
isPassedByReference - Checks if the parameter is passed in by reference

Property Reflection

PHP5 Reflect Description
Class reports information about classes properties
__construct - Constructs a ReflectionProperty
__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionProperty object
__clone - Clones property
export - Exports a property
getClassName - Gets class name of the reflected property
getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class for the reflected property
getDocComment - Gets doc comments from a property
getModifiers - Gets modifiers
getName - Gets property name
getValue - Gets property value
isDefault - Checks if default value
isPrivate - Checks if property is private
isProtected - Checks if property is protected
isPublic - Checks if property is public
isStatic - Checks if property is static
setAccessible - Set property accessibility
setValue - Set property value