Register Plugin

Two ways depending of SAPI used.

If you’re on Windows or Mac platform, you may have Growl. If you’re on Linux, the default bundled growl notifier is not for you. Skip this section.

  • Growl for Windows

  • Growl for Mac

You’ll add to configure your plugin in your phpcompatinfo.json file, as follow :

        "name": "Notifier",
        "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Plugin\\NotifierPlugin",
        "options" : "Bartlett\\CompatInfo\\Plugin\\Notifier\\GrowlNotifier"
  • The name key is (since version 3.0.0-alpha1) comment only.

  • The class key identify the name of the class that implement the plugin (must be fully qualified).

  • The options key identify the name of the class that implement the notifier (must be fully qualified).

Default behaviors are :

  • do not notify reflect.progress and reflect.success events (enabled option set to false)

  • notify reflect.error and reflect.complete events, and keep them displayed (sticky option set to true).

  • used the new gntp protocol rather than udp basic protocol.

If one or all of those behaviors does not match your need, here is how to change it.

Creates your own growl notifier class, (E.g: YourNamespace\MyGrowlNotifier) and put it in somewhere in your include_path.


namespace YourNamespace;

use Bartlett\Reflect\Plugin\Notifier\GrowlNotifier as BaseGrowlNotifier;

class MyGrowlNotifier extends BaseGrowlNotifier
    public function __construct($application = 'myPhpCompatInfo', $notifications = array(),
        $password = '', $options = array()
        parent::__construct($application, $notifications, $password, $options);

We have changed the Growl Application Name to myPhpCompatInfo, and used the udp protocol.

See to learn more about PEAR/Net_Growl package.

With CLI

You have just to run the analyser:run command, and you will be notified when parse is completed.

Other SAPI

This is the standard analyser run process as defined in following script. Default behavior is to activate all plugins that can be registered in the PluginManager.


use Bartlett\Reflect\Environment;
use Bartlett\Reflect\Client;

// set default values for BARTLETT_SCAN_DIR

// set default value for BARTLETTRC

// creates an instance of client
$client = new Client();

// request for a Bartlett\Reflect\Api\Analyser
$api = $client->api('analyser');

// perform request, on a data source with default analyser (structure)
$dataSource = dirname(__DIR__) . '/src';
$analysers  = array('structure');

// equivalent to CLI command `phpcompatinfo analyser:run ../src`
$metrics = $api->run($dataSource, $analysers);
