Progress Bar

With adoption of Symfony/Console 2.5 or greater, the progress bar feature is used instead of the progress bar helper.

The progress bar is displayed only if you invoke commands with the --progress option.

For example :

$ phpcompatinfo --progress analyser:run <SOURCE>

Renders depends of verbosity level.

For example, on verbose level 1, progress will be displayed as a throbber:

        8 [-------->-------------------]  1 sec

For example, on verbose level 2:

    7  1 sec File Bartlett\CompatInfo\Console\Formatter\CompatibilityOutputFormatter.php in progress...

For example, on verbose level 3:

    4  1 sec 6.8 MiB File Bartlett\CompatInfo\Analyser\CompatibilityAnalyser.php in progress...


If we want to display list of references supported, here is how to do with both versions :

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:list
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:list

Now, if you want to details each reference one by one identified by its name (<REF> in following examples), and got :

  • Releases

Feature not provided by version 3.2
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --releases <REF>
  • Interfaces

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --interfaces <REF>
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --interfaces <REF>
  • Classes

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --classes <REF>
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --classes <REF>
  • Functions

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --functions <REF>
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --functions <REF>
  • Constants

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --constants <REF>
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --constants <REF>
  • INI entries

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --ini <REF>
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo reference:show --ini <REF>

Print parses results

Where <SOURCE> identify the data source, directly or via the JSON configuration file.

Version 3.2
$ phpcompatinfo analyser:run <SOURCE> --php
Version 4.0
$ phpcompatinfo analyser:run <SOURCE>

Caching results

  • Version 3.2 may cache results to speed-up later analysis.

  • Version 4.0 is also able to cache results.

    But it seems not necessary, especially if you unload xdebug extension (that slows down execution at least by 50%).