Configure the parser

How to configure the parser to match your needs

You may configure the parser in two ways: containers and properties.

You can change default containers (namespaces, traits, interfaces, classes, functions, includes, globals, constants), and then have different getting methods (rather than standard getInterfaces, … ).

Table 1. Containers options
key code container default name
use namespaces
namespace namespaces
trait traits
interface interfaces
class classes
function functions
require_once includes
require includes
include_once includes
include includes
variable globals
constant constants
Configure the function container
require_once 'Bartlett/PHP/Reflect/Autoload.php';

$source = '/path/to/source_file.php';

try {
    $options = array('containers' => array('function' => 'userFunctions');

    $reflect = new PHP_Reflect($options);

    $functions = $reflect->getUserFunctions();
    // OR
    $functions = $reflect['userFunctions'];

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

You can choose what information to retrieve depending of element (key code).

Table 2. Properties options
key code default property
use file, startEndLines, docblock, alias
namespace file, startEndLines, docblock, alias
trait file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace, parent, methods
interface file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace, keywords, parent, methods
class file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace, keywords, parent, methods, interfaces, package
function file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace, keywords, signature, arguments, ccn, visibility
require_once file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace
require file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace
include_once file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace
include file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace
variable file, startEndLines, docblock, namespace
constant file, line, docblock, namespace, value
Configure interface, class and function properties
require_once 'Bartlett/PHP/Reflect/Autoload.php';

$source = '/path/to/PEAR-1.9.2/PEAR.php';

try {
    $options = array(
        'properties' => array(
            'interface' => array(
                'keywords', 'parent', 'methods'
            'class' => array(
                'keywords', 'parent', 'methods', 'interfaces', 'package'
            'function' => array(
                'keywords', 'signature'
    $reflect = new PHP_Reflect($options);

    $classes = $reflect->getClasses();


} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Here we got only keywords and signature of each class methods. Class docblock is NULL (first print_r result) because we have decided NOT to get this property as file, startLine + endLine (startEndLines).


    [PEAR_Error] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => PEAR_Error($message = 'unknown error', $code = null,
                        $mode = null, $options = null, $userinfo = null)

    [getMode] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getMode()

    [getCallback] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getCallback()

    [getMessage] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getMessage()

    [getCode] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getCode()

    [getType] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getType()

    [getUserInfo] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getUserInfo()

    [getDebugInfo] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getDebugInfo()

    [getBacktrace] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => getBacktrace($frame = null)

    [addUserInfo] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => addUserInfo($info)

    [__toString] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => __toString()

    [toString] => Array
            [keywords] =>
            [signature] => toString()
Gets functions signature and their arguments
require_once 'Bartlett/PHP/Reflect/Autoload.php';

$source = '/path/to/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php';

try {
    $options = array(
        'properties' => array(
            'function' => array(
                'signature', 'arguments'
    $reflect = new PHP_Reflect($options);

    $classes = $reflect->getClasses();


} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

And here are results we got on STDOUT :


    [methods] => Array
            [__construct] => Array
                    [signature] => __construct($name = NULL, array $data = array(), $dataName = '')
                    [arguments] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [name] => $name
                                    [defaultValue] => NULL

                            [1] => Array
                                    [typeHint] => array
                                    [name] => $data
                                    [defaultValue] => array()

                            [2] => Array
                                    [name] => $dataName
                                    [defaultValue] => ''



    ( ... more lines again ... )

            [prepareTemplate] => Array
                    [signature] => prepareTemplate(Text_Template $template)
                    [arguments] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [typeHint] => Text_Template
                                    [name] => $template





With this code below (filename reference is /tmp/ns_sample.php), we want to get namespaces :

  • without imports

  • only imports

  • all at once

namespace Doctrine\Common\Cache;

use \Memcache;
use My\Full\Classname as Another;

class MemcacheCache extends CacheProvider
    public function setMemcache(Memcache $memcache)

Getting namespaces in different ways
require_once 'Bartlett/PHP/Reflect/Autoload.php';

$source = '/tmp/ns_sample.php';

try {
    $reflect = new PHP_Reflect();

    $namespaces_without_import = $reflect->getNamespaces();
    // OR
    $namespaces_without_import = $reflect->getNamespaces(PHP_Reflect::NAMESPACES_WITHOUT_IMPORT);

    $namespaces_only_import    = $reflect->getNamespaces(PHP_Reflect::NAMESPACES_ONLY_IMPORT);

    $namespaces_all            = $reflect->getNamespaces(PHP_Reflect::NAMESPACES_ALL);


} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

And here are results we got on STDOUT :

    [Doctrine\Common\Cache] => Array
            [startLine] => 2
            [endLine] => 13
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Cache
            [import] =>

    [\Memcache] => Array
            [startLine] => 4
            [endLine] => 4
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Memcache
            [import] => 1

    [My\Full\Classname] => Array
            [startLine] => 5
            [endLine] => 5
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Another
            [import] => 1

    [Doctrine\Common\Cache] => Array
            [startLine] => 2
            [endLine] => 13
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Cache
            [import] =>

    [\Memcache] => Array
            [startLine] => 4
            [endLine] => 4
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Memcache
            [import] => 1

    [My\Full\Classname] => Array
            [startLine] => 5
            [endLine] => 5
            [file] => /tmp/ns_sample.php
            [docblock] =>
            [alias] => Another
            [import] => 1
