phpcompatinfo [options] command [arguments]

The phpcompatinfo(1) command parse any data source, defined in a json configuration file, to find out elements, such as classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces.

-h, --help
Display this help message.
-q, --quiet
Do not output any message.
-v|vv|v, --verbose
Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug.
-V, --version
Display this application version.
Force ANSI output.
Disable ANSI output.
Display timing and memory usage information.

The phpcompatinfo(1) analyser:list command is used to show what analysers are installed (see CONF FILES section).

The phpcompatinfo(1) analyser:run command is used to analyse a data source and display results.


phpcompatinfo analyser:run [--alias] [--redraw-freq="..."] source [analysers1] ... [analysersN]


Identify a data source declared in a json configuration file (see CONF FILES section)
If set, the source refers to its alias
How many times should the progress bar be updated? (default: 1)
Identify one or more analyser to execute. See analyser:list command to know what analysers are available.

The phpcompatinfo(1) plugin:list command is used to show what plugins are installed (see CONF FILES section).

The phpcompatinfo(1) provider:list command is used to show what data sources are declared in a json configuration file (see CONF FILES section).

The phpcompatinfo(1) provider:show command is used to show files in data sources.


phpcompatinfo provider:show [--alias] source


Identify a data source declared in a json configuration file (see CONF FILES section)
If set, the source refers to its alias

The phpcompatinfo(1) provider:display command is used to show source code of a file in a data source.


phpcompatinfo provider:display [--alias] source file


If set, the source refers to its alias
Identify a data source declared in a json configuration file (see CONF FILES section)
Relative path to a file in the data source

The phpcompatinfo(1) reference:list command is used to list all references supported.


phpcompatinfo reference:list [--raw]


Presents list in a raw format

The phpcompatinfo(1) reference:show command is used to introspect a reference.


phpcompatinfo reference:show [--php="..."] [--ini] [--constants] [--functions] [--interfaces] [--classes] [--raw] name


Filter results on PHP version
Show ini Entries
Show constants
Show functions
Show interfaces
Show classes
Presents list in a raw format
Name of a reference (case insensitive)
Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; unexpected error).

A configuration file contains data sources that can be analysed, but also optional plugins and analysers installed. Require configuration file is loaded in the following order:

  1. The CONF_FILE specified by the environment variable COMPATINFO.
  2. phpcompatinfo.json from the current directory.
  3. phpcompatinfo.json from the User $HOME/.config directory.
  4. phpcompatinfo.json from the /etc directory.

PHP_CompatInfo was originally written by Davey Shafik in 2004.

Remi Collet, contributor of many extensions reference and unit tests, joined the project since version 2.0.0RC2

The Command-Line Interface (CLI) version was introduced in version 2.0 and is written by Laurent Laville.

Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Laurent Laville.

Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license.