Concrete Examples - Part 2
Discover how Reflect may measuring the size of a PHP project.
By continuing the series of concrete examples. We will learn today how Reflect may measuring the size of a PHP project.
It’s not a full solution as Sebastian Bergmann did with phploc, because example display only the structure report.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-16But we will see later how customize and extend Reflect to match our needs.
Reflect 2.0.0RC1 has been released
First Release Candidate of Reflect 2.0 has just been released.
After several long weeks of development, I’m proud today to propose you, the next major API of PHP Reflect.
Documentation is not yet complete, and offline versions are not yet available. Be patient, it should come for the beginning of year 2014.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-13The final stable version is planned to be released on February 2014.
Data Source Provider
Learn how to identify a data source to parse.
API 2.0 was enhanced in many ways. Reflect offers a data source provider mechanism.
You may either use Symfony Finder, or any other that implement the
interface.Discover in details how to use Symfony Finder provider in a quick start tutorial.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-05This is one of the major changes in API 2.0 : take time to learn and understand.
Handle Results
Learn how to explore and exploit parsing results.
Discover in details how to explore and exploit parsing results.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-04This is one of the major changes in API 2.0 : take time to learn and understand.
Zoom on Reflection API
Compare both Reflection API between PHP5 and Reflect.
A big improvement was added to API on its way to exploit results.
API 1.0 provides a raw array structure that is difficult to exploit.
API 2.0 provides an OOP like PHP5 that is very simple to explore and exploit.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-03Look at Reflection API differences between PHP5 and Reflect 2.
Concrete Examples
Discover how Reflect may be use in real condition.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2013-12-02Here is the series of concrete examples. We will learn with a first example how to create PlantUML package and class diagrams.