1. Use case
We are suppose in the following, study the source code below, script named UseCase1.php
include '/path/to/test1.php';
include_once 'test2.php';
require 'test3.php';
// test four
class Foo implements SplObserver
const FOO = 'default FOO value';
public function __construct()
public function update(SplSubject $subject) {
define('SOURCE1_ROOT', __DIR__);
function singleFunction( Array $someparam, stdClass $somethingelse, $lastone = NULL )
To explore and exploit results, we need first to parse the data source. You should be able to do it. If it’s not the case, please refer to the quick start guide.
Here are the solution how to parse the data source seen above :
use Bartlett\Reflect;
use Bartlett\Reflect\ProviderManager;
use Bartlett\Reflect\Provider\SymfonyFinderProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
$dirs = dirname(__DIR__) . '/sources';
$finder = new Finder();
$provider = new SymfonyFinderProvider($finder);
$pm = new ProviderManager;
$pm->set('UseCase1', $provider);
$reflect = new Reflect;
2. Enumerate each elements
2.1. Packages or Namespaces
Your first collection returned could be the list of packages defined in your source code, if any.
Packages or Namespaces are used to organize software elements to avoid conflicts.
Indifferently, we will use the term package or namespace as an alias of the other. Main reason is that PHP5 provides only namespace and not package element as Java.
Reflect returns a list of namespaces/packages with the getPackages()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
$packages = $reflect->getPackages();
This list ($packages
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
echo $package->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.2. Classes
Your second collection returned could be the list of classes defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of classes with the getClasses()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$classes = $package->getClasses();
This list ($classes
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getClasses() as $class) {
echo $class->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.3. Interfaces
Your next collection returned could be the list of interfaces defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of interfaces with the getInterfaces()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$interfaces = $package->getInterfaces();
This list ($interfaces
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
echo $interface->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.4. Traits
Your next collection returned could be the list of traits defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of traits with the getTraits()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$traits = $package->getTraits();
This list ($traits
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getTraits() as $trait) {
echo $trait->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.5. Functions
Your next collection returned could be the list of functions defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of user functions with the getFunctions()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$functions = $package->getFunctions();
This list ($functions
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getFunctions() as $function) {
echo $function->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.6. Constants
Your next collection returned could be the list of constants defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of constants with the getConstants()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$constants = $package->getConstants();
This list ($constants
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getConstants() as $constant) {
echo $constant->getName(), PHP_EOL;
2.7. Includes
Your next collection returned could be the list of includes defined in a package, if any.
Reflect returns a list of includes with the getIncludes()
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$includes = $package->getIncludes();
This list ($includes
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getIncludes() as $include) {
echo $include->getFilePath(), PHP_EOL;
3. Exploit each elements
Reflect comes with a complete reflection API ( almost equivalent to PHP5 reflection) that adds the ability to reverse-engineer namespaces, classes, interfaces, traits, functions, methods, constants and includes.
3.1. Packages or Namespaces
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\PackageModel
class reports information about a package/namespace.
Reflect returns a list of packages with the getPackages()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this PackageModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
$packages = $reflect->getPackages();
This list ($packages
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $package
element returned is an instance of PackageModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$pkgName = $package->getName();
printf( 'Processing package "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $pkgName );
$counters = array(
'classes' => count($package->getClasses()),
'interfaces' => count($package->getInterfaces()),
'traits' => count($package->getTraits()),
'functions' => count($package->getFunctions()),
'constants' => count($package->getConstants()),
'includes' => count($package->getIncludes()),
printf( 'Metrics : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($counters, true) );
And lot more. See PackageModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO PackageModel Reference should be written.
3.2. Classes
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\ClassModel
class reports information about a class, an interface or a trait.
Reflect returns a list of classes with the getClasses()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$classes = $package->getClasses();
This list ($classes
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $class
element returned is an instance of ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getClasses() as $class) {
printf( 'Processing class "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $class->getName() );
$methods = array();
foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
$methods[] = $method->getShortName();
printf( 'Methods are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($methods, true) );
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getClasses() as $class) {
printf( 'Processing class "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $class->getName() );
$constants = array();
foreach ($class->getConstants() as $constant) {
$constants[ $constant->getShortName() ] = $constant->getValue();
printf( 'Constants are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($constants, true) );
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getClasses() as $class) {
printf( 'Processing class "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $class->getName() );
$properties = array();
foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
$properties[] = $property->getName();
printf( 'Properties are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($properties, true) );
And lot more. See ClassModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO ClassModel Reference should be written.
3.3. Interfaces
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\ClassModel
class reports information about a class, an interface or a trait.
Reflect returns a list of interfaces with the getInterfaces()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$interfaces = $package->getInterfaces();
This list ($interfaces
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $interface
element returned is an instance of ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
printf( 'Processing interface "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $interface->getName() );
$methods = array();
foreach ($interface->getMethods() as $method) {
$methods[] = $method->getShortName();
printf( 'Methods are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($methods, true) );
And lot more. See ClassModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO ClassModel Reference should be written.
3.4. Traits
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\ClassModel
class reports information about a class, an interface or a trait.
Reflect returns a list of traits with the getTraits()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$traits = $package->getTraits();
This list ($traits
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $interface
element returned is an instance of ClassModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getTraits() as $trait) {
printf( 'Processing trait "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $trait->getName() );
$methods = array();
foreach ($trait->getMethods() as $method) {
$methods[] = $method->getShortName();
printf( 'Methods are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($methods, true) );
And lot more. See ClassModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO ClassModel Reference should be written.
3.5. Functions
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\FunctionModel
class reports information about a function.
Reflect returns a list of user functions with the getFunctions()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this FunctionModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$functions = $package->getFunctions();
This list ($functions
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $function
element returned is an instance of FunctionModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getFunctions() as $function) {
printf( 'Processing function "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $function->getName() );
$parameters = array();
foreach ($function->getParameters() as $parameter) {
$parameters[] = array(
'position' => $parameter->getPosition(),
'optional' => $parameter->isOptional() ? 'YES' : 'NO',
'name' => $parameter->getName(),
printf( 'Parameters are : %s' . PHP_EOL, print_r($parameters, true) );
And lot more. See FunctionModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO FunctionModel Reference should be written.
3.6. Constants
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\ConstantModel
class reports information about a constant.
Reflect returns a list of constants with the getConstants()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this ConstantModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$constants = $package->getConstants();
This list ($constants
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $constant
element returned is an instance of ConstantModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getConstants() as $constant) {
printf( 'Processing constant "%s" ...' . PHP_EOL, $constant->getName() );
if ($constant->isMagic() === true) {
echo '- Magic constant';
} else {
echo '- User constant with value ' . $constant->getValue();
echo PHP_EOL;
And lot more. See ConstantModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO ConstantModel Reference should be written.
3.7. Includes
The Bartlett\Reflect\Model\IncludeModel
class reports information about an include.
Reflect returns a list of includes with the getIncludes()
and each of these elements can be exploited with this IncludeModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
$reflect = new Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
$includes = $package->getIncludes();
This list ($includes
) is an iterator, that can be traversed by a simple foreach loop.
Each $include
element returned is an instance of IncludeModel
use Bartlett\Reflect;
foreach ($reflect->getPackages() as $package) {
foreach ($package->getIncludes() as $include) {
if ($include->isRequire() === true) {
printf( '- require "%s"', $include->getFilePath() );
} elseif ($include->isRequireOnce() === true) {
printf( '- require_once "%s"', $include->getFilePath() );
} elseif ($include->isInclude() === true) {
printf( '- include "%s"', $include->getFilePath() );
} elseif ($include->isIncludeOnce() === true) {
printf( '- include_once "%s"', $include->getFilePath() );
echo PHP_EOL;
And lot more. See IncludeModel Reference to learn all features and behaviors.
TODO IncludeModel Reference should be written.
You have terminated this tutorial tour, and you are now ready to discover some concrete use cases.