Quick Start

This quick start is a five minute tutorial where you can discover how to identify a data source and parse its contents.

1. Data Source Identification

Identify the Data Source with Symfony Finder.

Now, and for the following chapters, we will not mention how you load the classes. See the strategy you’ve adopted in the Setup chapter.

Reflect offers a data source provider mechanism. You may either use the basic Symfony Finder, what we will do next, or use your own.

Basic Provider with Symfony Finder

use Bartlett\Reflect\Provider\SymfonyFinderProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

$dirs = dirname(__DIR__) . '/sources';

$finder = new Finder();

$provider = new SymfonyFinderProvider($finder);

At this step, we have created a data source provider that is allowed to retrieve each element to parse.

Reflect need to know it. We attach then the previous provider instance to a Provider Manager, with a label ( e.g: Single ) to identify it easily.

Reflect Provider Manager with a unique data source

use Bartlett\Reflect\ProviderManager;

$pm = new ProviderManager;
$pm->set('Single', $provider);

A Provider Manager may provide one or more data source identifications. Here are another example with multiple data sources.

Reflect Provider Manager with multiple data sources

use Bartlett\Reflect\ProviderManager;
use Bartlett\Reflect\Provider\SymfonyFinderProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

$pm = new ProviderManager;

// -- source 1
$source1 = dirname(__DIR__) . '/sources/';

$finder1 = new Finder();

$pm->set('Sample', new SymfonyFinderProvider($finder1));

// -- source 2
$pharFile = dirname(__DIR__) . '/sources/pirus.phar';
$source2  = 'phar://' . $pharFile;

$finder2 = new Finder();

$pm->set('Pirus', new SymfonyFinderProvider($finder2));

On this example Reflect is able to parse contents of two data sources: Sample and Pirus, all at once (default behavior) or individually.

2. Parse elements of the provider

We reuse the provider manager instance ($pm) seen above (unique data source named Single ). Then we ask Reflect to parse its full contents.


use Bartlett\Reflect;

$reflect = new Reflect;

In case of multiple data sources, when you want to parse it individually rather than fully, use the following statements.

Parse only Data Source 2

use Bartlett\Reflect;

$reflect = new Reflect;

Pirus is the data source label used on $pm→set() statement.

You have identified data sources and parsed its full contents. Now you are ready to handle the results.

Go to next chapter: Handle Results