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plantUML:run command to print UML diagrams
Future release 2.0.0RC3 adopt another new command
After conversion of concrete example "Measuring the size of a PHP project" to a new command (see previous post), I’ve decided to include in future release 2.0.0RC3 a new command plantUML:run (commit 566bf46).
This plugin will replace the concrete example "Make UML diagrams".
With this plugin you can make package UML diagram (, e.g : with such simple
config file.{ "source-providers": [ { "in": "phar:///var/dist/phpreflect-2.0.0RC2-6-ge55464a.phar as Reflect2RC2", "path": "src/", "name": "*.php" } "plugins": [ { "name": "PlantUML", "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Plugin\\PlantUML\\PlantUMLPlugin" } }Example 1. Run the command below$ php bin/reflect --profile --plantUML:run --alias Reflect2RC2 --package="Bartlett\Reflect\Model"You will get such output.
package "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Model" { abstract AbstractFunctionModel abstract AbstractModel class ClassModel class ConstantModel class DependencyModel class FunctionModel class IncludeModel class MethodModel class PackageModel class ParameterModel class PropertyModel }Put in in a file , e.g
, and send the result to plantUML$ java -jar plantuml.jar packageDiagram.plantumland you will get a PNG image as this one :
Example 2. Run the command below$ php bin/reflect --profile --plantUML:run --alias Reflect2RC2 --class="Bartlett\Reflect"You will get such output.
class Reflect{ #pm #files +getProviderManager() +setProviderManager() +parse() +getPackages() +getFiles() -buildFromCache() } AbstractDispatcher <|-- Reflect interface ManagerInterface { } ManagerInterface <|.. ReflectPut in in a file , e.g
, and send the result to plantUML$ java -jar plantuml.jar classDiagram.plantumland you will get a PNG image as this one :
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-23
Analyser:run command with a structure report
Future release 2.0.0RC3 will adopt a new command
Current version 2.0.0RC2 is a bit useless in CLI mode. I’ve decided to include in next Release Candidate (commit f99c2bf) a new command analyser:run that will display a structure report equivalent to Sebastian Bergmann phploc solution.
With a such
config file:{ "source-providers": [ { "in": "phar:///var/dist/PHP_Reflect-1.0.0.tar as Reflect1", "path": "PHP/", "name": "*.php" } "plugins": [ { "name": "Analyser", "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Plugin\\Analyser\\AnalyserPlugin" } ], "analysers" : [ { "name": "Structure", "class": "Bartlett\\Reflect\\Analyser\\StructureAnalyser" } ] }Run the command below:
$ php bin/reflect --profile --analyser:run --alias Reflect1You will get such output.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-21Data Source Analysed Directories 2 Files 3 Structure Namespaces 1 Interfaces 0 Traits 0 Classes 158 Abstract Classes 4 (2.53%) Concrete Classes 154 (97.47%) Methods 37 Scope Non-Static Methods 37 (100.00%) Static Methods 0 (0.00%) Visibility Public Method 34 (91.89%) Protected Method 3 (8.11%) Private Method 0 (0.00%) Functions 1 Named Functions 1 (100.00%) Anonymous Functions 0 (0.00%) Constants 70 Global Constants 70 (100.00%) Class Constants 0 (0.00%) Time: 4.05 seconds, Memory: 15.00Mb
Reflect 2.0.0RC2 PHAR version FIXED
PHAR version of Reflect 2.0.0RC2 bundles now all dependencies.
The WARNING I’ve emitted in my previous post should be forgotten if you use the new version:
$ php phpreflect.phar --version phpReflect version 2.0.0RC2-6-ge55464a build e55464ab5810ac7c8f8328342cc7fa273404ed81Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-20Download new version at
Reflect 2.0.0RC2 PHAR version WARNING
A little explain about Reflect 2.0.0RC2 and PHAR version.
When I’ve packaged the PHAR version, I’ve not used any specific stub, but just the same launcher as git source code version.
This is major reason you need to have previously installed PHP_Timer and Symfony/Class-Loader 2.4 or better.
I’ll fix this issue, to have a really phar version without any dependencies in first Release Candidate.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-20Be aware, and sorry for disappointment !
Reflect 2.0.0RC2 has just been released.
After many tries to have the more evolutive parser as possible, I’ve finally adopted PHP-Parser 1.0-dev 5 days ago.
Be aware that I used the Nikita Popov version with a little patch (see Pull Request #95) relative to magic constants.
As there are no PEAR package available for PHP-Parser, Reflect 2.0.0RC2 will be available only on two formats :
a PHAR version that bundles all dependencies (PHP-Parser + patch (1.0.0-dev+gh95), Symfony Finder 2.4.1, EventDispatcher 2.4.1, Console 2.4.1) in a single file.
Caution about the composer version
To use my patch (1.0.0-dev+gh95) on base Nikita 1.0-dev version, add on your
file the following contents:{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "nikic/php-parser": "dev-MagicConst as 1.0.*@dev" } }You should get something like this output
Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies - Installing nikic/php-parser (dev-MagicConst d287cb4) Cloning d287cb42896ba8921fda64fc5868093647fd65de Writing lock file Generating autoload filesThe PHAR version was built with the Box Project. The config file box.json is available on the github repository.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-18This phar version is both compatible with CLI and other SAPIFor web usage, just include the phar version, and use API as explained.
<?php require '/path/to/dir/phpreflect.phar'; // ...
PHP-Parser migration is over
Reflect 2.0.0RC2 has adopted PHP-Parser 1.0-dev
I’ve just published the migration code that adopt PHP-Parser 1.0-dev
Take care, that I used the basic code of PHP-Parser 1.0-dev with a little modification about magic constants. See my Pull Request #95.
Current code of Reflect 2 is PSR2 standard compliant and unit tests are all OK.
PHPUnit 3.7.31 by Sebastian Bergmann. ............................................................... 63 / 125 ( 50%) .............................................................. Time: 2.46 seconds, Memory: 6.50Mb OK (125 tests, 125 assertions)As I’m waiting approval of two Pull Requests :
I will release monday 17th February only a PHAR version that will embeded all vendor code to run correctly.
I will continue to test this base source code (that need again some minor fixes, I know) in real condition with well known packages : Symfony, Zend Framework, and more …
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-13Be ready monday to test it by yourself. All feedback are welcome !
A new parser for Reflect 2.0.0RC2
Future release 2.0.0RC2 will adopt PHP-Parser
Two weeks ago, I’ve detected performance issues with the core of Reflect parser. I’ve then begun to rewrite the core of the parser, and now I don’t like it.
It’s not enough stable, and I don’t want to loose my time to test all conditions.
So, that this the reason why I’ve adopted yesterday a new external parser written in PHP : PHP-Parser. This parser is awesome and fast. Easy to understand how to implement (uses visitors design and an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)).
I’ve migrated in one day my code to use this new parser, and I’ve begin this morning to test it in real condition.
I should publish the latest version of my source code tomorrow.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-12It sound nice to me that the second release candidate will be available this monday 17th February.
Preview of the Command-Line part of Reflect 2.0.0RC2
Even if full source code of RC2 is not yet available, I’ve just uploaded the command-line part that is common to CompatInfo.
Here is a screenshot preview, but you can test it yourself (independant from other software components).
There are three categories of command:
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-03
- analyser
- Allow to plug your own analysers without to change one line of Reflect core code (see the analysers section of reflect.json sample file).
- plugin
- Allow to extend features of Reflect without to hack the core code (see the plugins section of reflect.json sample file).
- provider
- Allow to identify data source to parse. Follow all Symfony Finder rules (see the source-providers section of reflect.json sample file).
Release 2.0.0RC2 planned
A new core code for the second release candidate of version 2.0
After lot of test on huge source code, like Zend Framework 1.12, I’ve be faced on a major performance issue with the first RC code.
This is the reason, why I’ve decided to rewrite the core code of PHP Reflect one times again.
Published by Laurent Laville on 2014-02-01Even if I’m still under test protocol, I got good results, and the second release candidate of version 2.0 should come very soon now (probably next week).