We distribute a PHP Archive (PHAR) that contains all required dependencies of UmlWriter bundled in a single file.
Make it executable, and put it into your $PATH
$ chmod +x umlwriter-1.0.1.phar
$ mv umlwriter-1.0.1.phar /usr/local/bin/umlwriter
$ umlwriter --version
You can also immediately use the PHAR after you have downloaded it.
$ wget
$ php umlwriter-1.0.1.phar --version
With both methods then you have this output :
umlWriter version 1.0.1
See other alternatives in User Guide to install UmlWriter
Generating a Diagram
UML diagrams produced, may be either :
restricted to a simple class and its direct dependencies.
restricted to a single namespace (with all its objects).
non-restricted (all namespaces and their objects).
The following diagram processors (output formats) are available:
Graphviz syntax with HTML-like labels
PlantUML syntax with default fonts and colors
The following reverse-engines are supported:
Bartlett\Reflect (default in CLI mode)
Generating a diagram statements from a Terminal
In graphviz format with
reverse-engine$ umlwriter diagram:render --reflector=reflect --processor=graphviz /path/to/data_source
In graphviz format with
reverse-engine$ umlwriter diagram:render --reflector=tokenreflection --processor=graphviz /path/to/data_source
In plantuml format with default reverse-engine (
)$ umlwriter diagram:render --processor=plantuml /path/to/data_source
Generating a diagram image
With Graphviz and
output format$ dot -Tpng -O /path/to/gv_file
is a file contening Graphviz syntax statements produced by the umlwriter command. -
With PlantUML and
output format$ java -jar plantuml.jar -Tpng /path/to/puml_file -o /path/to/ouput/dir
is a file contening PlantUML syntax statements produced by the umlwriter command.And
is the directory where the image will be generated.
Let’s review what we’ve done :
downloaded the latest stable PHAR version.
created project using Composer.
built your first graphviz and plantuml UML diagram (and
image) from any data source.
Choose your way depending of your skill level.